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Kinsey Institute: 

 I applied to the Kinsey Institute art show in Bloomington, Indiana in 2005 or 2006.  The idea was to treat the body as a landscape, with beautiful curves, valleys and hills. This was my first experience using a digital camera and it probably shows. This work was not accepted into the show.


This series of work was photographed in 2005 when I toured Europe (Madrid and Barcelona, Spain; Paris, France; the Netherlands and Bruges, Belgium).  The final images are photo transfers on watercolor paper.  This work was shown at the grand opening of The Studio School and Gallery in Irvington, IN. in the fall of 2005.

Punk Rock Night:

Every Saturday Night for over 21 years, Greg Brenner has hosted Punk Rock Night at the Melody Inn in Indianapolis, IN.  Many, many bands have come through the doors in that time and I was fortunate enough to photograph the shows from about 2005-2009. These photographs represent a tiny portion of the photographs that were taken. There are so many disks that would have to be sorted through in order to fully represent the early days of Punk Rock Night. And I was not the only photographer.  Maybe someday I will find time to sort through the hundreds of disks that I have in storage, and find  the best of the work that I am responsible for. 

PRN Pin-up

When social media was new, and Indianapolis had a message board for the music community, I came across a post from a friend who was stationed in Bosnia.  He was requesting holiday gifts for the troops he was serving with.  There were several ideas mentioned, one of them was porn.  I thought that was stupid but I liked the idea of sending provocative, images in the form of pin-up shots. The idea was to send "trading cards", but one of the models (Annemarie) suggested a calendar.  I sent her some images, she Photoshopped them, and the first PRN Pin-up Calendar was born.  We sent calendars to Bosnia for at least three years and sold them to the locals to try and recover our costs.  I have the final images and some outtakes from 2007 featured here.  I'm currently scanning the 2006 ad 2008 calendars.  I will get those images posted soon.

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